Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy, Healthy & Wealthy New Year!

Hi everyone!

Welcome to my very first blog!
Along with my commitment to hit the gym again, I've decided that my New Year's resolution for 2007 is to discover and use as many internet marketing tools as I can and then pass on the ones that work to you, my clients and to all the wonderful creative people who take my Shoestring Marketing and Publicity classes.
Bear with me as I muddle through this learning curve myself.
Once I get this blog thing down, watch for a local arts news and events blog, focusing on things happening around Vancouver.
I'm also hoping to delve into podcasting this year and should have audio cast up soon. I'll be interviewing top arts professionals and sharing the secrets of their success. I still have a few techology hurdles to leap, but nothing insurmountable.

Most of the articles posted will have originally appeared in the Vancouver Storytellers Society newsletter, and some will be exclusive to this site.
Drop me a line and tell me what you think!

Happy Hangover!

Steven R. Duncan
Marketing Consultant/Producer/Poet

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